Recent Posts by Dom Petrarca

Tuna outlook 2019

After last year's cold, slow start, we were hoping for a change in 2019, and all signs point to a general trend towards improvement on many levels. The inshore predator species like striped bass, bluefish, summer flounder,  scup, and black sea-bass have all shown up in a semi-regular fashion, most importantly the bait species like…
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June rolled in with very little sign that spring had even arrived, let alone that summer was a mere 20 days away. The water from up inside the bays, out along the coast, and offshore to the continental shelf was well below normal, in some cases 10 to 15 degrees below the norm. The bait…
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After a long, brutally cold winter, we finally got the cover off the Dusky and all the systems online and ready for the year to come. The first month is always kicked off with the annual squid run. Typically cold winters yield a good squid run, and after several seasons of slow to non-existent runs,…
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The arrival of November usually signifies the final stanza of our fishing season here in Cape Cod.The days are quick and often cold, with the night times longer which allows for rapid cooling at night, and many times the weather has already turned from pleasant and fall like to downright cold and winter-nasty. This season,…
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The incredible fishing we experienced in September continued into the month of October, as did the mild weather and calm winds. With higher than average air temperatures and water finally comfortable for the tuna, the bite solidified even further and the pattern of hot bites was almost a given on any trip. The sizes of…
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Without a doubt, August is our favorite month for offshore pursuits here in southern New England. The weather is usually the best of the year, with warm water, warm days, and gradually increasing night-time periods, the fish have typically settled into a pattern and provide a much more stationary target, if that is even a word…
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Weather continued to rule the day as we finally left the cold, foggy June behind, hoping for s break in the cold and a warming of the tuna bite. The water temperatures nearshore around Cape Cod are typically warmed by late June, and July through September usually the warmest of the year. The Labrador current…
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